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About RustLevels

RustLevels collects data from Rust servers that use the XPerience, XPerience Addon, and Kill Records plugins. Each server gets added and updated automatically each time the server saves and displays all their player's data related to these plugins. Every server is setup differently based on the owners of each server so no two servers will be alike. This website will show all players that play on each server with their progression based on that server's setup. RustLevels is NOT responsible for any server progression or setup nor are we in any control over the player data displayed on our site.
(Player data is controlled by each server individually not by RustLevels)


  • What is XPerience?:
  • XPerience is a highly detailed RPG based mod for Rust that allows players to earn XP, Levels, and Abilities that change the aspect of the game. As players earn xp and increase levels they can spend points in different abilities that increase gathering, loot amounts, player attributes, and much more.

  • What is Kill Records?:
  • Kill Records is a mod for Rust that tracks kills and deaths for each player. Kill Records mod is not required for servers to be listed here. Not all servers will have Kill Records installed and so their player's data will not include that portion on their profile pages if disabled.

  • What does the icon mean beside servers?:
  • This means that the server has Prestige Ranks turned on. That means each time a player reaches the max level on that server they reset and rank up. Every server is different and may have higher/lower level requirements for each rank or other level/xp differences. Servers without this icon do not use Prestige Ranks and so when a player reaches max level they no longer gain XP or points.

  • Why do some servers show higher/lower levels, stats, or skills?:
  • The XPerience plugin is extremely configurable and server owners can adjust it however they want to achieve the goals they want for their players. This includes levels, xp, stats, skills, effects, and much more. RustLevels does not control any aspect of these plugins and all data is controlled entirely by each server. This should be taken in consideration when comparing players on the same server or comparing servers with one another. Players who play on the same server are subject to the same settings and adjustments and can be entirely different than players on another server.

  • How often does data update here?:
  • These mods have built in timers to automatically send their data to RustLevels from the time they are enabled/uploaded on the server. Player data updates every 10 - 15 mins from the last updated time. Server data such as server name, logos, and external links update every 12 hours from the last updated time. If either the player or server data show last updated times past these time intervals then the server either failed to connect on the last timer or the player data is not longer present on that server. If either data goes more than 30 days without updating then it will automatically be removed from RustLevels.

  • How do I get my server listed here?:
  • You must have the XPerience (v1.3.2 or higher) and the XPerienceAddon mod on your server before you can have your server listed here. The XPerienceAddon mod connects to our website and adds all your player's data based on your server settings. You must also contact us through discord to have your server's IP address added to our approval list so it can connect to our system and recieve your Unique ServerIDKey. You can have more than one server listed as long as each server is using the XPerience and XPerienceAddon mods and your server IP addresses are approved. Approval is entirely at our discretion.

  • How do I add my own banner to my server page?
  • In the XPerienceAddon config file you can put the URL to your own custom banner than will be shown here. The size of the banner area is 600 x 100 and will automatically resize any image put in that area. DO NOT use images with adult content or your server will be removed from RustLevels and blacklisted. If do not have your own banner we can possibly create one for you for a small fee. If interested in having one created you can post in our discord support channel here: https://discord.gg/bZjzsUnW

  • How do I hide player Steam badges?
  • There is a config option in the XPerienceAddon that allows servers to hide their players Steam badges from our website. This does NOT however hide their Steam information elsewhere as Steam allows public viewing of all player data through Steamworks API as stated in their Steam Privacy Policy Agreement section 5.5

    5.5 We make certain data related to your Steam User Account available to other players and our partners through the Steamworks API. This information can be accessed by anyone by querying your Steam ID. At a minimum, the public persona name you have chosen to represent you on Steam and your Avatar picture are accessible this way, as well as whether you have received a ban for cheating in a multiplayer game. The accessibility of any additional info about you can be controlled through your Steam Community user profile page; data publicly available on your profile page can be accessed automatically through the Steamworks API. In addition to the publicly available information, game developers and publishers have access to certain information from the Steamworks API directly relating to the users of the games they operate. This information includes as a minimum your ownership of the game in question. Depending on which Steamworks services are implemented in the game it may also include leaderboard information, your progress in the game, achievements you have completed, your multiplayer game matchmaking information, in-game items and other information needed to operate the game and provide support for it. For more information on what Steamworks services a specific game has implemented, please review its store page. While we do not knowingly share Personally Identifying Information about you through the Steamworks API such as your real name or your email address, any information you share about yourself on your public Steam Profile can be accessed through the Steamworks API, including information that may make you identifiable.

  • Does server stats reset?
  • Server stats are controlled entirely by the server owners through the XPerience and Addon mods. Server owners can reset their stats at anytime as well as remove their servers from the list using the commands within the mods.

  • I reset my server but my server's stats still show old data. What do I do?
  • If you have reset your server, then you must run the admin command while on your server to delete your server details here. This will not effect your server itself only the details on our website. This will remove your server and all data for it. Then, on the next server save it will add your server back to our list with the data from your server. We cannot update any server information here and ALL server data is controller by the server owners themselves.

  • Why is the Unique Players count different than the Total Players count?
  • There are many players who may play on different servers that are listed here. Because of that the player will have their own profile for each server they play on. The Unique Players count will exclude multiple entries of a player with the same SteamID while the Total Players count will include them. This goes for both XPerience and Kill Records.

  • Does the XPerience or Addon require open ports or specifc servers?
  • No specific ports or servers are required for this situation. The only requirement is having Oxide (legacy) modification for the game Rust installed on your server. Oxide handles all connections within the mods. You can download Oxide for Rust here: https://umod.org/games/rust

  • I get errors in console, where do I get support?
  • You can join our discord and post in our mod support section to get help with any issues you may have with any of our mods. http://discord.rustlevels.com

  • How can I stay informed of Addon updates?
  • The XPerienceAddon does a check every 12 hours with our system to make sure your using the latest versions of our plugins. If there is an update it will display in your server console. You can also subscribe to our discord mod update channel where we post updates when released at: [ http://discord.rustlevels.com ] You can also subscribe to the Codefling mod page where the download will be available on release. The version number at the bottom left of the main page should match the Addon version your using at all times.


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© 2023 - RustLevels®, XPerience®, KillRecords® Created by MACHIN3 - Discord: http://discord.rustlevels.com