Special Items are items created that give players bonuses to XP, stats points, skill points, and XP boosters that grant increased XP for a certain time. Each item has a specific bonus and can be awarded manually from admins using a command or setup to drop for players when they perform certain tasks. Items that drop from tasks can be assigned a rarity value that controls how often that item will be chosen to drop. The higher the rarity the less chance that item will be chosen when a drop is selected. Special Items can also be soulbound to a player when received so that no other player can use these items if dropped or stolen.


Default Items:

There are several default items already created for you that you can adjust in the admin panel such as xp scrolls, point books, and a xp booster. If you change any of the values for default items you must click the "update default items" button in the admin panel so that the default items can be saved with the new values. Any item already awarded to a player will not be updated, only new items awarded from that point on.


Custom Items:

You can create custom items that give players the same bonuses as default items but different values if you want to have more variety of items that drops or can be awarded for specific reasons. Custom items are created using a chat/console command and will be stored on file like the default items above. After you create an item if you wish to change the values you must edit the custom item data file or delete and remake the item using the available chat/console commands.

To create a custom item use the following chat/console command (console command does not need the / in front):

/newitem "<name>" <rarity> <stat/skill/xp/booster> <points/xp> <skinID> <economics cost> <serverrewards cost> <duration>

Make sure you enter a value for every option in this command. If a value is not used such as <economics cost> then put a 0 for that value but a value must be set or you will receive an error.


/newitem "XP Booster Large" 9 booster .20 2876049997 500 200 10

That will create a booster with a rarity of 9 that gives 20% xp boost for 10 mins, costs 500 econimocs, and 200 server rewards.

Skin IDs can be found in our discord #special-item-skins channel


To delete a custom item use the following chat/console command:

/removeitem "<item name>"



Give Player an Item:

To give a player an item use the following chat/console command:

/xpitem <name/id> <playername/id> "<itemname>" <amount>


/xpitem name machine "xp booster" 1



Adding Items to the Shop plugin:

use the command option with the xperience xpitem command as shown:

xpitem id %steamid% itemname 1

do not use / at the beginning of the command, use id with %steamid% and it will automatically detect the user steamid and replace it in the command, then use the itemname without any spaces

for the item shortname you can select the item that the special items use (medical syringe for boosters and xmas presents for books), then use the skinID shown in the discord #special-item-skins channel

Put a display name in that will name the item

set a price for the item

Leave all other options blank such as title, image, plugin hook and plugin name 

Example to list the Book of Stat Knowledge Small:


xpitem id %steamid% bookofstatknowledgesmall 1





Display Name:

Book of Stat Knowledge Small
