The XPerience Addon adds a few extra abilities to certain Stats and Skills. This page will let you adjust these settings. These abilities will show up in a players profile under the corresponding Stat or Skill abilities. These extra abilities will NOT be effected by ranks.


  • Miner Skills:'
    • Quarry Production: This will increase the production rate for quarries around the world when the player with this ability actives it.
    • Min Quarry Duration (mins x miner): This controls how long the quarry will gain the extra production rate before it returns to normal. This will increase with the players Miner skill level.
      • Mathematical Equation: minutes x minerlevel
    • Max Quarry Cooldown: (mins - miner): This is the maximum time it takes before a player can use the extra production ability again. This cooldown will be reduced the higher a player's level in the Miner skill. 
      • Mathematical Equation: minutes - minerlevel



  • Weaponry Stat:
    • Free Ammo Chance: This will give players the chance of not using ammo when they fire a weapon. Each time a weapon is fire it will run this chance and if it activates then the weapon will fire without losing the ammo amount it has at that specific time.



  • Scavenger Skill:
    • Extra Vending Chance: This will give the player a chance to receive more items of the type they purchase from a vending machine.
    • Extra Vending Amount: If the "chance" above activates then the player will gain this extra amount per scavenger level of the item they purchased.
      • Notes: Vending chance will not active for player owned vending machines.



  • Forager Skill:
    • Extra Recycler Chance: This will give the player a chance to receive recycled items without using the item they are recycling. The higher the player's Forager skill the greater the chance of not using the item within the recycler.
    • Recycler Speed: This will increase the speed of a recycler the player is using. The higher the player's Forager skill the faster the recycler speed.